Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pregnant women from acid reflux syndrome

Many women tend to experience heartburn symptoms if you are carrying still your babies and happen for various reasons.

One of them is to increase the hormones in women body while you are pregnant. The occurrence of this leads to smooth the ligaments, what is keeping the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) firmly closed. When the LES to inappropriate times is, trend, this the stomach acid and of food to the oesophagus and giving reflux is.

Another reason to experience heartburn during pregnancy is, because of the baby created the changes in the body and the development of more pressure in women stomach. Therefore, the stomach contents to the LES and then in the esophagus are forced.

There are however several methods that can be seen a woman pregnant women, heartburn brought to reduce discomfort. The following are good advice, although completely this cannot remove the heartburn:

• Avoid eating causes heartburn. Examples include chocolate, spicy food, citrus fruits and juices, mustard, tomatoes and tomato-based products, fatty foods, fried food and very experienced courts. Try to know to avoid the full list of foods on medical specialists, refer acid reflux. Also contains that you can take the food little risk causing heartburn.

• You are los drinks have caffeine such as tea, coffee and mineral water. Too much causes that to relax the LES and return the acid in the esophagus.

• Keep drinks of the alcohol. This how caffeine thus tend to relax the LES to the same effect create - trigger heartburn.

To avoid large meals food •. It is proposed that the many small meals throughout the day will be better, taking into account.

• Avoid haste in their food meals. Food will help really thorough gum prevent heartburn, better take time in Essen.

• The rest for at least three hours after your last meal before your sleep.

• A woman pregnant women is recommended, take glass water further at least 8-10 glasses on the day, although this must be taken not only during meals. The stomach will expand, and then get committed the LES more pressure on, open to inappropriate. It is therefore really recommended to drink more water and other fluids between meals.

• If sleep extend the head of the bed for at least six to eight inches. Try, with an increased head and shoulders sleep by a wedge cushion. With this, the heavy work so much that it will keep acids in your stomach in their place - in the stomach, not in the oesophagus. Doctors, additional knowledge about the nighttime heartburn relieve attempts to win to consult.

• Take not tight fitting clothes. Tightness around the waist and stomach fires heartburn as it causes discomfort.

• If the bend do knee, not on the waist. This will avoid much pressure in the stomach to create.

• Not slouch; rather sit upright in a relaxing Chair.

• Maintain a reasonable amount of weight to much weight and fatness greater stress is enter in your stomach. As a result, this stomach content throughout the LES and the oesophagus is enforced. Stay with their doctors guidelines.

Avoid smoking •. Doctors said that smoking could much lead multiple effects on a pregnant woman, which it can the experience heartburn can add.

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